Shadows and playing with rainbows (364, 335)

Having fun with indoor rainbows; making hand shadows and playing with cardboard cut outs in the sun.

335 – School yard shadows

Friday 31 January. Sunny, 7°C

It’s a gorgeous sunny Friday and it feels like Spring is coming. After a week focusing on birds (see Bird Challenge week 339-336) and occasionally getting cross about it, it felt like we needed an easy fun challenge and the weather is really helping. There are long shadows and the potential for fun. I turn up at the school gates with a 335 cardboard cut out ready made and see what B can do with it. It takes her a while to work out how to hold it away and get the sun to shine through it.

I challenge her friends to do shadows – they all do butterflies. A grandad comes up with an amazing dog and says he used to be able to do an elephant. I think we might need to do a bit of a training session before we do this one again.

Beach combing in the winter with kids (333) >

< Bird challenge week (339-336, 334)

364 – Indoor Rainbow

Thursday 2 January. Dry and cloudy. 10°C

Its getting towards the end of the Christmas holidays and we’re travelling home after a week staying with various relatives. In between the rushing – the shortest challenge. I’m still working out if this is cheating but it was definitely a natural event even if it was inside.  The light caught the glass of the balcony and sent a rainbow inside onto the white door.   

B puts her hands in it first, then her feet. We try shadow puppets. She can do a bird and a rabbit.

Afterwards I wonder what else we could have done. Maybe we could have got some glass or a mirror and seen if we could reflect it? B drew a 364 on a bit of paper, cut it out and took a photo with the rainbow on it. Then we headed off to catch a train feeling energised and positive.

It will not be the longest challenge we do but on the second day of our endeavours it was a lovely piece of luck. Like the world was smiling on us and helping us along.

Breaking the ice on the pond (363) >

< Starting. The Stick Igloo… (365)

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