5 minute nature play challenges (331, 332, 315, 314)
Finding catkins, hunting snowdrops, playing with raindrops and the surprising options to be found in supermarket car parks! Shorter challenges near home that can be done quickly when the logistics make getting out tricky.
Exploring willow sticks (346, 316)
Trying to find ways to play with willow sticks. Using them in den making. Getting distracted with a fire in the chiminea and burning sticks, ferns and leaves.
Wayfinding for kids (318, 317)
How easily can B find her way from one place to another? We play with written instructions and general navigation and struggle finding things in random trees.
Scavenger hunts in winter (352, 319)
The first scavenger hunt of the 365 day nature play challenge. Trying things and getting ideas for next time.
Playing with the garden tree (356, 325, 320)
Finding ways to play with and in the biggest, most climbable, garden tree including: climbing the garden tree; putting a hoist and pulley system into the garden tree;
Looking for animal and bird tracks in the mud (321)
Seeing if we can track birds and animal visits in the garden mud. The first attempt is fun but only definitely deliver pet rabbit prints.