Breaking the pond ice (363)

The first freeze of the new year and the pond is frozen solid. Nature play challenge for the day sorted. All we need is a big stick!

Friday 3 January. Cold and sunny. 1°C

We’re back in South Wales and the weather has gone from mild and wet to freezing cold.  B is hopeful for snow and I’m tampering down expectations. 

B: It said it might on the weather forecast.

Me:  Yes, but it usually doesn’t.  Don’t get too excited.

A frozen pond is definitely a good start though.  She tried a few small sticks first before finding a good big thick one. Crack and splash! She’s having a lot of fun. It’s a shame the pond isn’t bigger. It’s currently a bit smelly – the fish died last year and we’re working out the cause – so she lasted till the pong rose off it and off she went back inside.

Pond ice

Later we came out to find the ice had frozen again in the broken sections from where she’d smashed it.

Taking down the Christmas lights (362) >

< Indoor rainbow (364)